- Generics can have more that one variable type with in particular
s, and their various implementations: HashMaps, TreeMaps, etc., that represent associations' lists between a key
and a value
Nb. Lists can be viewed as specific Maps where keys are simply integers.
interface Map<K,V> {
V get(Object key); // use Objects.equals(key, k)
V put(K key, V value);
Set<K> keySet();
10 - 13Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented