Sets, Stacks & Queues
Other collections, similar to lists, are available in Java with in particular:
When ordering is not important and duplicate elements are omitted.
As a limit, Set does not proposes standard mathematical operations on sets: union, intersection, difference, etc.
That are "First In - Last Out" structures with push
and pop
That are "First In - First Out" structures with add
(to tail) and poll
(to get head) operations.
9 - 13
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented
Java jva jav laurent thiry uha enseignant ensisa ecole school national alsace programmation objet approche mulhouse france java object programming oriented